10 Best Practices in Email Marketing So Your Email Doesn’t Land in the Spam Folder!

The Email Marketing apocalypse is here. So say the doomsdayers. But just like those pesky zombies, Email marketing seems to crawl back out of the grave every time, alive and kicking. In fact, the Data & Marketing Association in the UK, says that email marketing has an ROI of $42 for every $1 spent. Uhm! … Read more

What Does ‘CC’ or Carbon Copy Mean in Gmail (or any email client)?

We all use emails in our day-to-day lives for personal and professional reasons. If you are a working professional then probably you are using emails more often than a college student or non-working individual. While there are many free email services available in the market like Yahoo, Hotmail, and Reddit, Gmail is the most popular … Read more

How to Track Email Open Rate and Know if Someone Opened Your Email?

Have you ever been in a situation when you invested some very precious time into drafting that beautiful and compelling email and after it was sent you have no clue if it was opened by the recipient? Well, you are not alone. Many email marketing professionals do not check email open rate which is a … Read more