How to Track Email Open Rate and Know if Someone Opened Your Email?

Have you ever been in a situation when you invested some very precious time into drafting that beautiful and compelling email and after it was sent you have no clue if it was opened by the recipient? Well, you are not alone. Many email marketing professionals do not check email open rate which is a very fundamental metric that gives you many insights into the health of your email list and customer behavior.

Keeping an eye on the Email open rate is a very crucial part of email marketing efforts. It is a very important metric that you must know after sending that email blast you meticulously drafted. Hence monitoring the email openings and conversations is a must for every email marketer.

In this article, we’ll learn what is email tracking and how to determine if someone has seen and opened your emails. We will also introduce some unique and innovative solutions that will take your email marketing efforts to the next level.

So let’s start!

What is the Email Open Rate?

Email open rate is defined as the percentage or number of subscribers who open your email out of your total number of subscribers in your email campaign.

How to Track Email Open Rate Using Email Tracking Tools?

Email tracking is pivotal in understanding the effectiveness of our email marketing efforts. We use several tools to monitor open rates, which tell us how many recipients are engaging with our emails. This data is crucial for refining our strategies and improving communication with our audience.

1. How Email Tracking Tools Work?

Email tracking tools operate by embedding a tiny, invisible image pixel in our emails. When a recipient opens the email, this pixel sends a signal back to our server, indicating the exact time and date the email was accessed. This method provides precise feedback on the engagement level of each email sent.

2. Popular Email Tracking Tools – Saleshandy, Yesware, Mailtrack, Mixmax

Several tools on the market help in tracking email opens effectively. Saleshandy and Yesware offer real-time notifications when an email is opened or clicked. Mailtrack and Mixmax enhance these capabilities with additional features like link tracking, which monitors the number of clicks on links within the email. These tools are instrumental in providing detailed analytics that guide our email marketing decisions.

3. Steps to Set Up Email Tracking Tools

  1. Establish Company Guidelines: We first set clear guidelines on how we track emails to ensure consistency and compliance with privacy laws.
  2. Install an Email Tracking App: Choose an app like Saleshandy or Mailtrack and integrate it with our email client.
  3. Compose an Email: Write our email as usual.
  4. Enable Tracking: Before sending, ensure the ‘Track’ option is selected. This action activates the tracking pixel.

By utilizing these tools and following these steps, we can significantly enhance the impact of our email campaigns, ensuring that each message we send is optimized for maximum engagement.

4. Requesting a Read Receipt

Read receipts offer a confirmation that your email has been opened by the recipient, which can be crucial for ensuring important messages are received and acknowledged, especially in professional settings.

a. How to Request a Read Receipt on Gmail

To request a read receipt in Gmail, start by logging into your account and clicking “compose” to create a new email. Write your message, and before sending, click the down arrow next to the “Send” button for more options. Here, select “Request read receipt.” Once your recipient opens the email, depending on their settings, they may choose to send you a notification confirming they have read your email.

b. How to Request a Read Receipt on Outlook

In Outlook, the process is slightly different. While composing your message, go to the “Options” tab and select “Request a Read Receipt” from the tracking options. This will send you a notification when the recipient opens your email. It’s important to note that recipients can decline to send read receipts, so you may not always receive a confirmation.

c. Limitations of Read Receipts

While read receipts can be helpful, they have limitations. The accuracy of a read receipt depends on the recipient’s email settings and their willingness to send the receipt. Some recipients may view read receipts as intrusive and choose not to send them. Additionally, just because an email is opened doesn’t mean it was read thoroughly; the recipient might have opened and ignored the message. Therefore, while useful, read receipts should not be solely relied upon for critical communications.

5. Using Image Tags in HTML

When we’re building transactional emails, such as order confirmations or payment receipts, we often need to include design elements like our company logo. This requires embedding images directly into the HTML of the email. Embedding images ensures they are part of the email content itself, rather than just attachments. This method, however, introduces complexities like deciding on the image’s hosting location and its encoding to ensure it displays correctly across different email clients.

a. How to Add Image Tags?

To embed an image, we attach it using MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), which supports HTML content. We then reference the image in the email body by setting its Content-ID (CID) and using a standard HTML <img> tag. Alternatively, for a simpler approach that doesn’t increase email size, we can use linked images. This involves hosting the image externally and linking to it in the HTML email with a simple <img> tag.

b. Technical and Privacy Considerations

While embedding images, we must be cautious of security risks. JavaScript within the email could lead to session hijacking (XSS), and CSS might alter the layout. Remote images pose privacy issues as they can be used for tracking. To mitigate these risks, it’s essential to filter content rigorously. Testing how different email clients display these images is crucial. Using tools like Mailtrap Email Testing, we can automate testing flows and scenarios, ensuring our emails appear as intended without compromising security or privacy.


Frequently Asked Questions about Email Open Rate

1. How can I determine if my email has been opened by the recipient?

To ascertain if your email was opened, you can utilize a read receipt. This function sends you a notification via email that includes the exact time and date your message was read.

2. Is it possible to know how many times an email I sent has been opened?

Yes, using email trackers that incorporate specific code within the email’s body, it’s possible to track not only the number of times an email was opened but also the device used for opening it, and the location at the time of opening. Email trackers provide extensive details and are increasingly used.

3. How can I measure the open rates of emails?

To measure email open rates, particularly through Google Analytics, you need to enable email open tracking in your Google Analytics settings. Following this, create a tracking URL to embed within an image of pixel size that will be included in your emails.

4. What method can I use to see the number of recipients who have opened an email?

Employing an Email Service Provider (ESP) is effective for this purpose. ESPs offer analytics that detail the number of recipients who opened your email, those who clicked on links within the email, and which specific links were clicked.


Through this deep dive into the intricacies of Email Open Rates, we’ve taken a quick look at the pivotal strategies necessary for enhancing engagement and maximizing the efficiency of email marketing campaigns. From leveraging advanced email tracking tools to the nuances of requesting read receipts and the carefully weighed decision to use HTML image tags, each facet discussed offers a maneuver to elevate your email communications to a higher plateau of effectiveness. Emphasizing the critical importance of paying keen attention to these strategies has been our guiding thread, highlighting how a comprehensive approach can dramatically uplift the performance of your email marketing endeavors.

As we draw our discussion to a close, it’s essential to reflect on the broader implications of our insights within the sphere of email marketing. Harnessing the full spectrum of tools and techniques discussed not only enhances your ability to gauge recipient engagement but also empowers you with actionable data to refine and perfect your email campaigns continually. The journey towards optimizing your Email Open Rates is ongoing, marked by the continuous evolution of digital marketing landscapes and consumer behaviors. Therefore, letting these insights guide your strategies and keeping abreast of emerging trends and tools in email marketing will ensure sustained success and relevance in your marketing efforts, propelling you towards achieving unmatched engagement and results in your campaigns.

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