How to Build Quality Backlinks : 6 Strategies that Actually Work

Every online marketer wants more backlinks.

This is understandable because they are a testament to the quality and credibility of your content. The quality and quantity of your backlinks also influence your Google ranking.

Now the problem is, they’re not easy to come by, and you’re definitely not getting them for free, especially if you are constantly spamming website owners.

The good news is, you can earn them. And we will show you just how you can do it.

What are Backlinks?

Backlinks, or “incoming links” or “inbound links,” are simply terms for links traveling from one website to another.

A website can link (backlink) to your site, or you can link (backlink) to another website. While this doesn’t sound like a big deal, the impact that these links make is enormous.

The key is to go for the organic backlinks and avoid purchasing them.

Types of Backlinks

There are two types of backlinks – dofollow and nofollow:

  1. Dofollow Backlinks: These are the benchmark for backlinking. They will pass on the link equity from one site (source) to another (destination), which in turn will improve your website’s visibility and ranking.
  2. Nofollow Backlinks: These were initially introduced to combat spam. They will not pass on any link equity and are meant only for use when linking to unverified sources or purchased links.

They may not affect your site’s ranking, but they can bring in traffic.

Why is Backlink Building Important?

Backlinking is crucial in SEO because it shows search engines that other people approve of your content. Each backlink acts like a stamp of approval in the overall quality and performance of your website.

Search engines like Google will take this as proof that your website offers value and is useful. This will give you better visibility, as your site ranks well on search engine results pages (SERPs).

6 Tried and Tested Strategies to Build Quality Backlinks

Here are seven proven strategies that will help you build a successful link-building campaign.

1. Highlight the Value their Site Gets

Sending a simple email request is a common link-building strategy. But it’s pretty rare to get a positive response. The reason is because most online marketers fail to give a compelling reason as to why they should add a backlink.

You need to make a good pitch, and that includes clearly presenting the value they will get from linking to your website.

Like all types of marketing, you have to understand what your target wants. Then, offer that value in exchange for a backlink. Here are some examples:

  • A top-tier guest blog article – that means 100% human-written.
  • A commentary or expert advice for one of their articles.
  • A user testimonial.
  • An improved experience for their visitors.

2. Post Relevant and Competitive Copy

If you want to get quality backlinks, you need to post quality content. Can’t write? No problem, hire a copywriter. Can’t afford? Learn how to write great copy; it’s not rocket science.

You simply can’t get around this because why would anyone bother sharing low-quality content with their audience?

Don’t mistake length for quality. The ideal content length, in general, is approximately 1500-200 words. This gives you enough wiggle room to thoroughly cover a topic without losing the readers’ interest.

Find out the trending content in your industry. You can use tools like Ubersuggest. Then analyze ways to make your content stand out. This may include writing a more actionable and in-depth content, or citing credible research work.

3. Prove Your Site’s Legitimacy

It’s a lot easier to get links when your website is legitimate, trustworthy, and professional. Here are some elements that can solidify your site’s legitimacy.

  • HTTPS certification (along with others)
  • quality web design
  • Branded domain
  • Social media profiles
  • Contact information like company address
  • E-E-A-T signals such as author bio, about page, editorial standards, etc.

If you have a brand-new website, it will be hard for you to tick off all of the above, but you need it more than established websites. Having these elements can help build trust even if you are brand new.

4. Keep Your Pitches Short and Snappy

Want more positive responses to your pitches? Keep them short and to the point. Here are some tips to write clear and concise pitches.

  • Limit paragraphs to no more than two sentences.
  • Limit your pitch to five sentences or less.
  • Utilize bold fonts and bullet points to highlight keywords and points.
  • Write in simple, clear sentences.

5. Leverage Networking

One of the surest way to get backlinks is by building relationships. When people know and trust you, they will be willing to link to your website.

Have a presence across different social media platforms to be able to build good relationships and set yourself up as an industry expert.

When you are active on social media, you will start networking with a variety of people in your industry. Be open to doing people favours like guest blogging for a website or getting on a video call.

Don’t pass up on opportunities even if you’re simply at the giving end.

6. Conduct Original Data Research

Original data research work are top-quality content and are undoubtedly news and link worthy. Not a lot of people have that kind of information so websites will have no choice but to link back to you.

That said, it’s not easy to write original studies. You will have to collect a whole load of data.

For this, you need to run an industry survey with the help of tools like Survey Monkey or Google Forms. Another way to go about this is to dig up public and private data sets.


Backlinks are a key ingredient in SEO. But building quality backlinks do not happen overnight. You need strategic planning, consistent effort, and a focus on quality.

Remember to create quality content that others will want to link to. Don’t overlook the importance of networking with the right people, as they can help you in your backlink-building efforts.

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